زار رئيس لجنة المقاطعة الأوروبية لـ "إسرائيل" خيمة اعتصام نواب القدس والوزير السابق الذين يتهددهم خطر الإبعاد عن القدس، والتقى بالنائبين أحمد عطون ومحمد طوطح ووزير شؤون القدس السابق خالد أبو عرفة، والذين أعربوا عن تقديرهم للخطوة الداعمة للشعب الفلسطيني من قبل لجنة المقاطعة الأوروبية، وأكدوا أن هذه رسالة واضحة عن رفض الظلم والانتهاكات التي يتعرض لها شعبنا من قبل الاحتلال. وقال رئيس لجنة المقاطعة الأوروبية أن مقاطعتهم للاحتلال جاءت بعد قناعتهم التامة بأن الاحتلال يرتكب جرائم حرب تجاه الشعب الفلسطيني ومصادرة حقوقه وممتلكاته. وأعلن عن أن المقاطعة الأوروبية للاحتلال تتصاعد يوماً بعد يوم وتلقى مناصرة من قبل الشعوب الأوروبية الرافضة للظلم والاضطهاد والداعية لإحلال السلام وإعادة الحقوق إلى أصحابها. وأضاف أن العديد من الجمعيات والمنظمات المؤيدة للشعب الفلسطيني تشارك في هذه الحملة التي تهدف إلى فضح ممارسات الاحتلال وتعريته وإظهاره على صورته الحقيقية، وأعرب عن مناصرته لقضية النواب والوزير واعداً إياهم بأنه سيقوم بمخاطبة المؤسسات الداعمة لحقوق الشعب الفلسطيني لإيصال رسالتهم لكافة المحافل الدولية والبرلمانات المختلفة. |
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Nov 9, 2010
#BDS: رئيس لجنة المقاطعة الأوروبية لـ "إسرائيل" يجتمع مع نواب القدس
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11:17 PM
#BDS: 37 حائزاً على جائزة نوبل يوقعون عريضة ضد مقاطعة الجامعات الإسرائيلية
وقع 37 حائزا على جائزة نوبل على عريضة ضد مقاطعة الجامعات الإسرائيلية أو فرض عقوبات عليها، فيما اعتبرت رئيسة لجنة رؤساء الجامعات في إسرائيل البروفيسور ريفكا كارمي أن العريضة تمنح دعما مطلقا وشرعية في العالم للجامعات الإسرائيلية. ونقل موقع "يديعوت أحرونوت" الالكتروني اليوم الثلاثاء عن العريضة "نحن الموقعون أدناه، حائزون على جائزة نوبل، نتوجه إلى الطلاب والزملاء والأساتذة في الجامعات إلى رفض وتنديد بكل نية للمقاطعة والمس الاقتصادي وفرض عقوبات ضد أكاديميين إسرائيليين ومؤسسات أكاديمية ومراكز تأهيل وأبحاث تابعة لإسرائيل".
وبين الموقعين على العريضة ايلي فيزل وأندري جيم والإسرائيليين أبراهام هيرشكو ويسرائيل أومان وأهارون تشيخانوفير، لكن الإسرائيلية عيدا يونات التي حازت على جائزة نوبل للكيمياء في العام الماضي لم توقع على العريضة وهي معروفة بمواقفها المنتقدة لسياسة إسرائيل ضد الفلسطينيين. وجاء في العريضة أيضا ان "المقاطعة الأكاديمية والثقافية تتعارض مع مبادئ الحرية الأكاديمية والعلمية ومع مبادئ حرية التعبير عن الرأي والبحث وتسبب تمييزا قوميا". ووصلت العريضة إلى كارمي، رئيسة جامعة بن غوريون في بئر السبع، أمس، والتي اعتبرت ان العريضة عبارة عن "تصريح عمالقة العلوم في العالم ومن شأنها تعزيز المكانة الدولية للجامعات في إسرائيل".
ورأت كارمي أن العريضة "تجعل المعارضين لنا غير شرعيين". وأوضحت ان المبادرة للعريضة صدرت من إسرائيل في أعقاب تخوف من إعلان مقاطعة للأكاديميا الإسرائيلية من جانب جامعة جوهانسبورغ في جنوب أفريقيا.
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11:15 PM
#BDS: عن حملة المقاطعة والأسطول الثاني وأشياء أخرى
نهلة الشهال
تكمن ميزة إيلي فايزل، الحائز على نوبل للسلام، في سعيه الدائم لتجديد الصهيونية عبر محاولات منحها إنسانوية تفتقدها بشدة بعد التطبيق (وقبله تأكيداً، ولكن الإيديولوجيات كلها لا تتجسد إلا عندما «تنزل» لتسكن في الواقع)، وعبر تغليفها بكثافة فكرية، ولو أنها شكلية، لأنها غير ذات صلة بالموضوع، تغرف لهذه الغاية من إلفة الرجل مع الفلسفة والأدب والموسيقى، وهو يوظف كل هذا في خدمة الصهيونية وإسرائيل، تعينه في ذلك بشدة الهالة التي تمنحها نوبل لأصحابها.
وخلال الأسبوع المنصرم، وبشكل متزامن فعلاً، صدر موقفان لافتان للنظر، نشرا على نطاق واسع: واحد يقوده إيلي فايزل ذاك، وعنوانه «لا لخرافة ـ ميث ـ الأبرتايد»، وعنوانه الفرعي «تصريح حاملي جوائز نوبل رداً على حملة المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات والعقوبات BDS، ونداء المقاطعة الأكاديمية»... لإسرائيل طبعاً. ويلي ذلك توقيع 38 شخصية حائزة على جائزة نوبل في اختصاصات متنوعة، كلها علمي، كالفيزياء والكيمياء. ويعني ذلك أن هؤلاء، هم الآخرون، يلوون عنق جوائزهم لتوظيف هالتها، في ما لا صلة له بالسبب الذي مُنحوا نوبل لأجله، وهذا اعتداء أخلاقي على الجائزة. ولكن دعونا من ذلك. وقد بدا الأمر صاخباً، وإنما، ومن دون القليل من شأن هذا الحدث، فعلينا أن نعرف أن هناك على الأقل 200 حائز على نوبل ما زالوا على قيد الحياة، وقد توجه إيلي فايزل إليهم جميعاً، فلم يستجب له إلا هؤلاء العلماء. ومن دون تبرئتهم من مسؤولية الموافقة على منح أسمائهم، ومجددا على توظيف جوائزهم في ما لا علاقة له بالموضوع، فيمكن تفسير موقف معظمهم بجهله التام بالمواضيع السياسية والفكرية، كما أن يهودية الموقعين قد استُنفرت تجاه ما يقال له اليوم «نزع الشرعية عن إسرائيل» الذي تهدف إليه حملة المقاطعة، واتهامها بأنها تبني نظام تمييز وفصل عنصريين (أو الأبرتايد)، دفع إلى الحملة العالمية ضد نظام جنوب أفريقيا السابق، وهو مدان في شرعة الأمم المتحدة. وحصيلة ذلك تُصوَّر باختصار ديماغوجي على أنها تهديد جديد بإبادة اليهود. ولم يحصل فايزل على توقيعات آخرين من حملة نوبل، في الأدب والاقتصاد
والسلام، مع أن بينهم أيضا نسبة من اليهود، ما يسجل لأهمية دلالته
الموقف الثاني صَدَرَ ونشر في جريدة لوموند الفرنسية العريقة يوم 2 نوفمبر/ تشرين الثاني، وهو يتخذ عنواناً يقول «مقاطعة إسرائيل سلاح مشين»، ووقعه رئيس بلدية باريس السيد دولانويه، ومعه بضعة نواب، وكذلك السكرتير السابق للحزب الاشتراكي السيد هولاند (وهو عادة موضع سخرية عامة في فرنسا بوصفه أبله، ولكنه يسعى رغم ذلك، وبكل الوسائل ومنها التزلف للصهاينة، إلى استعادة مكانته في حزبه، وربما إلى ترشحه لرئاسة الجمهورية في انتخابات عام 2012! ما يثير مسألة «المقلب» الذي يبتلعه بعض السياسيين حين يعجزون عن تقييم أنفسهم ومعرفة حدودهم، وهو مرض شائع جداً لدى هذه الفئة من الناس في العالم كله، ولكن هذا أيضاً موضوع آخر).
وهناك طبعاً الأسماء التقليدية، ممن يقال لهم «الفلاسفة الجدد»، وعلى رأسهم الآفتان في السطحية، الآن فينكلكروت وبرنار هنري ليفي، وحشد من الفنانين من الدرجة الرابعة، وأخيرا سكرتير حملة النداء اليهودي (أو «جي كول»)، الذي صُور عند صدوره، مثله مثل نداء «جي ستريت» الاميركي، على أنه خطوة إيجابية باتجاه السلام، بل دعا بعض الكتاب العرب إلى تبنيه على هذا الأساس!
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9:50 PM
As South African Artists and Cultural Workers who have lived under, survived, and in many cases resisted apartheid, we acknowledge the value of international solidarity in our own struggle. It is in this context that we respond to the call by Palestinians, and their Israeli allies, for such solidarity.
As artists of conscience we say no to apartheid - anywhere. We respond to the call for international solidarity and undertake not to avail any invitation to perform or exhibit in Israel. Nor will we accept funding from institutions linked to the government of Israel. This is our position until such time as Israel, in the least, complies with international law and universal principles of human rights. Until then, we too unite with international colleagues under the banner of “Artists Against Apartheid.”
Apartheid and Collaborating with it
Collaborating with institutions linked to the state of Israel cannot be regarded as a neutral act in the name of cultural exchange.
In an official report commissioned by the South African government in 2009, the Human Sciences Research Council confirmed that Israel, by its policies and practices, is guilty of the crime of apartheid. Numerous others, including South Africans who have a deep familiarity with racial oppression (and resistance to it), have spoken of life in the shadow of Israeli repression as akin to or worse to that under apartheid in South Africa.
Artistic performances in Israel promote a “business as usual” attitude that normalizes and “whitewashes” a state that is guilty of daily forms of exclusion, violence and war crimes. Operation Cast Lead in Gaza saw over 400 children killed by the Israeli military; and the unconscionable attack by Israel in international waters aboard the Freedom Flotilla resulted in the death of nine humanitarian aid workers. (Both have been described as crimes in violation of international law – the former by the 2009 Goldstone report and the latter by the UN Human Rights Council.)
As artists of conscience we can act to resist the normalization of Israel’s apartheid policies. Some may hide behind the excuse that art is apolitical. However, artists have not been hesitant in taking a position against racism and inequality. As South Africans we benefitted from such a position of conscience. For example, members of the British Musicians' Union, pledged not to perform in South Africa as long as apartheid was in effect. Numerous organizations and artists in film, television, theatre and other arts fell in line against the South African regime and contributed to the denormalisation of South African apartheid which eventually led to that regime’s demise – and to the birth of a free and democratic country, for all.
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9:42 PM
#BDS: BRICUP and AURDIP issue Newsletters on the Occasion of the Launching of the European Platform for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (EPACBI)
BRICUP (The British Committee for the Universities of Palestine) and AURDIP (Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine) have issued special newsletters simultaneously to announce the agreed founding Declaration of the European Platform for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, EPACBI.
The Newsletters include supporting articles, in French and English, including statements from the two organizations and delegates who were present at the launch of EPACBI in Paris in September 2010. Some 50 academics attended from 9 countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Discussions concerned coordination of the campaign across Europe in order to respond more effectively to the call of Palestinian civil society for a comprehensive academic and cultural boycott of Israel.
Together with representatives of PACBI, the European delegates overwhelmingly adopted the common principles laid out in the PACBI guidelines, signalling a significant extension of boycott activity. Priority areas for campaigning were agreed.
To read the newsletters, click below:
BRICUP Newsletter: http://www.bricup.org.uk/documents/archive/BRICUPnewsletter34.pdf
AURDIP Newsletter: http://www.aurdip.org/Newsletter-AURDIP4.pdf
The Newsletters include supporting articles, in French and English, including statements from the two organizations and delegates who were present at the launch of EPACBI in Paris in September 2010. Some 50 academics attended from 9 countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Discussions concerned coordination of the campaign across Europe in order to respond more effectively to the call of Palestinian civil society for a comprehensive academic and cultural boycott of Israel.
Together with representatives of PACBI, the European delegates overwhelmingly adopted the common principles laid out in the PACBI guidelines, signalling a significant extension of boycott activity. Priority areas for campaigning were agreed.
To read the newsletters, click below:
BRICUP Newsletter: http://www.bricup.org.uk/documents/archive/BRICUPnewsletter34.pdf
AURDIP Newsletter: http://www.aurdip.org/Newsletter-AURDIP4.pdf
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9:39 PM
#BDS: Israël, un boycott à l'échelle européenne
Une dizaine d'organisations européennes, réunies par l'Association des universitaires pour le respect du droit international en Palestine (Aurdip) et le British Committee for Universities of Palestine (Bricup), lancent ce lundi une plateforme européenne pour le boycott universitaire et culturel d'Israël. Mediapart publie la Déclaration de Paris qui les rassemble.
Déclaration de Paris sur la mise en place d'une plateforme européenne pour le boycott académique et culturel d'Israël
Cette déclaration annonce la mise en place d'une plateforme européenne commune pour le boycott académique et culturel d'Israël. Les organisations nationales, régionales et locales et les mouvements adhérant à cette plateforme :
• acceptent et promeuvent le boycott des institutions académiques et culturelles israéliennes et le désinvestissement des compagnies qui contribuent aux graves violations par Israël du droit international et des droits de l'homme;
• soutiennent l'appel de la société civile palestinienne aux boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions (BDS) et acceptent les directives de mise en application publiées par la campagne palestinienne pour le boycott académique et culturel d'Israël (PACBI) et le comité national palestinien pour le boycott (BNC);
• s'accordent à développer et renforcer le boycott jusqu'à ce que le peuple palestinien obtienne une résolution des injustices actuelles conformément au droit international et aux droits de l'homme internationalement reconnus.

Cette déclaration annonce la mise en place d'une plateforme européenne commune pour le boycott académique et culturel d'Israël. Les organisations nationales, régionales et locales et les mouvements adhérant à cette plateforme :
• acceptent et promeuvent le boycott des institutions académiques et culturelles israéliennes et le désinvestissement des compagnies qui contribuent aux graves violations par Israël du droit international et des droits de l'homme;
• soutiennent l'appel de la société civile palestinienne aux boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions (BDS) et acceptent les directives de mise en application publiées par la campagne palestinienne pour le boycott académique et culturel d'Israël (PACBI) et le comité national palestinien pour le boycott (BNC);
• s'accordent à développer et renforcer le boycott jusqu'à ce que le peuple palestinien obtienne une résolution des injustices actuelles conformément au droit international et aux droits de l'homme internationalement reconnus.
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9:30 PM
#BDS: Boycott coordinating organization established in Europe
BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Monday marks the establishment of a European coordinating organization for promoting the academic and cultural boycott of Israel, following a founding meeting in Paris in September.
EPACBI currently includes representatives from organizations in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The British Committee for the Universities of Palestine and the Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine are issuing special newsletters simultaneously to announce declaration.
EPACBI will coordinate the campaign across Europe in order to respond more effectively to the call of Palestinian civil society for a comprehensive academic and cultural boycott of Israel. Priority areas for campaigning will include the EU funding of Israeli academic research.
EPACBI currently includes representatives from organizations in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The British Committee for the Universities of Palestine and the Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine are issuing special newsletters simultaneously to announce declaration.
EPACBI will coordinate the campaign across Europe in order to respond more effectively to the call of Palestinian civil society for a comprehensive academic and cultural boycott of Israel. Priority areas for campaigning will include the EU funding of Israeli academic research.
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9:24 PM
#BDS: Media kit for BDS media marathon on 12 and 13 November
Join us in the BDS media marathon on the 12 and 13 November as part of the Week Against the Apartheid Wall! Follow the links for articles, video footage and audio pieces on the Wall, settlements, apartheid and BDS. Use the ready made audio segment featuring interviews with Jamal Juma’, Coordinator of Stop the Wall Campaign and Faisal Hindi of the Palestinian Farmers Union in Qalqiliyah.
Apartheid Week Segment (MP3)
Transcript of audio segment in English and Spanish: Audio segment transcript (Document)
Stop the Wall articles and factsheets
Apartheid Week Segment (MP3)
Transcript of audio segment in English and Spanish: Audio segment transcript (Document)
Stop the Wall articles and factsheets
- Stop The Wall Campaign brochureUpdated BDS FactsheetThe Apartheid Wall Fact Sheet - ENThe Apartheid Wall Fact Sheet - Spanish (el Muro del Apartheid Información General)The Apartheid Wall Fact Sheet - Italian (il Muro dell’Apartheid I Fatti)Companies building the Apartheid Wall Fact Sheet - ENStop the Wall Campaign videos on Vimeo.com
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9:16 PM
#BDS: BDS and Israel's Battle for Legitimacy
Israeli propagandists attacking the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement often claim that pro-Palestinian activists hide behind words like International Humanitarian Law to promote a hidden agenda aimed at demonizing and deligitmizing Israel. But there is no hidden agenda. We are explicit and clear in what we say and what we call for. We don’t hide behind International Humanitarian Law we stand by it. This is precisely why Israeli propagandists have good reason to worry. Israel knows that its fight to legitimize its behavior cannot be won for as long as the BDS movement continues to expose its violations of IHL. So it is pushing back with its army of lawyers and experts in an effort to exonerate itself of accountability, redefine the rules of IHL and undermine international bodies and institutions. If Israel succeeds, Palestinians will not be the only ones to suffer. The implications of legitimizing Israel’s behavior will have far reaching affects on all citizens of this globe.
In calling on Israel to comply with its obligations under IHL, the BDS movement highlights the strength of the Palestinian cause. Palestinians don’t need to negotiate for rights they are already entitled to, they need to demand these rights. The right of return, the right to citizenship, the right to equality, the right to self determination, the right to live free from occupation, the right to education, the right to freedom of movement, the right to security the right to fair trials etc, these are all non-negotiable human rights Palestinians are already entitled to under IHL.
BDS activists and Palestinian solidarity groups have taken note of that, but we have to be aware that time is precious and we must move fast. Right now, Israel is fighting a ferocious battle, headed by its best lawyers, military experts, politicians and academics to redefine the rule of law. This is especially dangerous because of the close ties they share with countries fighting ‘the war on terror’ such as Canada, Australia, the US, Britain and others who have a vested interest in rolling back international law and eliminating any protection their non-state foes and the civilians they kill maybe entitled to.
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9:09 PM
#BDS: Five young Jews disrupt Netanyahu speech with call for new Jewish identity

A group of young Jews with the Young Leadership Institute of Jewish Voice for Peace has traveled to the largest gathering of Jewish leaders in the US, the Jewish Federation General Assembly, to confront leaders on an approach to saving Israel’s reputation and building young Jewish identity they say actually turns young Jews away.
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8:59 PM
#BDS:The Yacoubian Building – in Hebrew

NGO claims translation of Alaa al Aswany's bestseller promotes Israeli-Palestinian understanding. But author wasn't consulted
Until last week, the Israel-Palestine Centre for Research and Information wouldn't have rung any bells in literary circles. But this changed after the Jerusalem-based organisation – which aspires to serve as an "intellectual platform for Israelis and Palestinians to create and develop new concepts ... that enrich the political and public discourse" – published a Hebrew translation of Alaa al Aswany's bestseller, The Yacoubian Building, on its website. The "rare privilege" of reading the book was offered to "(expand) cultural awareness and understanding in the region". However, the organisation neglected to seek Al Aswany's permission before acting thus.
Some context: Although Al Aswany's book has been translated into 19 languages, the author has, until now, refused to permit its translation into Hebrew. Needless to say, he was not impressed with the actions of the IPCRI. "What the centre and the translator did is piracy and theft," he told news agency AFP , "I will be complaining to the International Publishers' Association."
One cannot but sympathise with Al Aswany; breach of copyright is repugnant to a writer. It is hard to understand how this brazen act of unauthorised translation and distribution can be expected to promote understanding. But Gershon Baskin, head of the ICPRI, doesn't see things this way.
"We didn't intend to infringe his copyright, but just to get Israelis acquainted with the book," Baskin told Israeli daily Haaretz . "The question here is whether Israelis' right to read the book outweighs his copyright." High-minded as this sounds, his argument holds little water. Copyright, after all, is the expression of proprietorial rights over intellectual property; Baskin can scarcely claim the high moral ground when the property he has given away does not belong to him.
But as is often the case in this part of the world, there may be more to the dispute than meets the eye. "(Al Aswany) told me that if the book was published in Israel and there were royalties, he would give them to Hamas," Baskin claims. "(The) cultural boycott of the Hebrew language which he supports or is forced to support is a form of cultural terrorism, which I don't have to agree to."
On this point, at least, both parties are in agreement. Al Aswany is equally emphatic on this point: "My position has not changed regarding normalisation with Israel. I reject it completely," he told AFP.
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8:30 PM
#BDS: Dunkin' Donuts No Longer on the Boycott List
Perfectly timed for the pre-Hanukkah crowds, doughnuts are back in Israel, a decade after the shameful defeat endured by American Dunkin' Donuts, which left the Jewish state with its tail between its legs.
These days, the doughnuts are being sold in selected Alonit convenience stores and according to initial tests, are enjoying great success. Blue Square Group, which owns Alonit, says its store locations along the highways gives their doughnuts an edge sales wise.
In contrast to the Dunkin' Donuts branches which were located in major cities and which failed miserably in Israel. In honor of Hanukkah, the doughnuts will be available throughout the Alonit stores.
A little reminder of the last time doughnuts tried to take over the Israeli market: The first Dunkin' Donuts store opened its doors near Rabin Square in Tel Aviv in 1996 and was considered, at least in the first few weeks of operation – as the biggest selling branch in the world.
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8:19 PM
#BDS: Ceva gets licensing deal with Intel
Israel-based mobile chip technology company says global technology company has licensed its Ceva-XC communication digital signal processor
Israel-based mobile chip technology company Ceva Inc said on Monday Intel Corp had licensed its Ceva-XC communication digital signal processor .
Financial details were not disclosed.
Ceva-XC is a high-performance, low-power communication DSP designed for fourth generation terminals and wireless infrastructure. It supports multiple technologies including LTE, WiMax, GSM and CDMA.
Companies such as Infineon, Broadcom and ST Ericsson license Ceva's technology to build DSP chips.
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8:16 PM
#BDS: New prize to encourage 'Zionist art'
Following controversial artists' letter calling for boycott of Ariel cultural hall, Culture Minister Limor Livnat announces new award aimed at fighting 'de-legitimization,' says all state-funded culture institutions will be forced to perform all over Israel
Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat announced Monday that she plans to force all state-funded culture institutions to perform all over Israel as a condition for continuing their funding.
She spoke during a Knesset's Education and Culture Committee session on the backdrop of the second artists' letter calling for a boycott against the Ariel culture hall, which is located beyond the Green Line.
The minister plans to extend an amendment to the criteria determining the budgeting of all cultural institutions. A theater which refuses to sign a commitment to perform anywhere across Israel will be deprived of funding.
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8:11 PM
#BDS: Students push for divestment at university
USC’s campus has recently become the scene of a growing movement by pro-Palestine supporters speaking out against what they see as illegal occupation of territory and discriminatory practices by the Israeli government.
The movement, known internationally as the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” movement, aims to achieve sanctions or other official action against Israel.
Activists hope to achieve this by means of boycotting certain Israeli institutions and stopping business in — or divesting from — companies that are involved in the occupation of what BDS supporters say is Palestinian territory.
The movement has been spearheaded on campus by Students for Justice in Palestine, a pro-Palestine student group that has attempted to raise awareness for the movement by hosting events and collecting petition signatures.
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8:04 PM
#BDS: 7 things you can do this BDS Week of action + check out the new BIG website Inbox X
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions week of Action till 16th November 2010
For more than sixty years the suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israeli state has been met with the international community rewarding Israel economically and politically, and allowing Israel to act with impunity.
People of conscience around the world have a responsibility to respond to the call from Palestinian civil society to join them in the growing movement of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until the country complies with international law and recognises Palestinian rights.
As part of the BDS week of action, we’re pleased to re-launch the Boycott Israeli Goods website – with in-depth information in a number of current campaigns we are involved in – including saying no to Ahava Stolen beauty; a new ‘boycott pledge’ as part of our supermarket actions and phone-in; a petition to launch campaigns to ‘Bin Veolia’ and a new campaign that we will be launching later in the week.
Check out the relaunched www.bigcampaign.org
From taking part in a direct action outside your supermarket to signing the ‘boycott pledge’ online, everyone can get involved in during the BDS week of action.
Below are seven things you can do:
1) Sign the ‘boycott pledge’ and keep it in your wallet, as a reminder to check the label during your supermarket shop, or make conversation with the shop manager to show you’re a card carrying boycotter of Israeli goods. You can also sign the pledge online and send an email to the supermarkets you shop at that you’ve signed the boycott pledge.
2) Supermarket phone in: On Thursday 11th, ring Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s and ask them to stop stocking Israeli goods until the country complies with international law. Tesco’s: Ring 0800 505 555 and press option 3. Sainsbury’s: Ring 0800 636 262.
3) Change your facebook profile (using the picture above) tag your friends in it, and ask them to change it too
4) Get involved in a supermarket action – ask shoppers to boycott Israeli goods. Find out what Israeli goods are sold in the supermarkets by visiting our ‘supermarket product watch’ page. To see what PSC branches are organising, click here
5) Use our model petition to gather support for a local campaign to ‘Bin Veolia’ who are breaking international by providing refuse and transport services to illegal settlements.
6) say no to stolen beauty - join the fortnightly protest outside the ‘Ahava’ flagship store in Covent Garden – find out when the next one is at: http://freepalestinefortnightlydemo.wordpress.com/
7) Order boycott leaflets, pledge cards, stickers, factsheets and more from the PSC office – check out our resources pageand place an order
Posted by
7:51 PM
#BDS: Anti-normalization committee slams Jordanian gov't for military ties with Israel
AMMAN, (PIC)-- The Jordanian higher executive committee for defending the homeland and confronting normalization with Israel strongly denounced the government for forcing the Jordanian army to engage in joint activities with the Israeli occupation forces.
"The Jordanian government is committing a crime against the nation when it compels the men of the Arab army (Jordan's forces) to carry out joint drills with the Zionist enemy's forces that are occupying the Arab land and insult our Islamic and Christian holy sites," the committee stated on Monday.
The committee stressed that these activities are unjustified whatever their nature and the Jordanian army must be dedicated to protecting the Arab lands from what he described as the "Zionist abomination."
It also emphasized the need to keep the Jordanian army away from the mismanagement and misconduct of Jordanian officials and politicians in the government.
Posted by
7:40 PM
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