Azerbaijan – 2 helicopters
Bulgaria – 1 plane and 92 firefighters
Croatia – 1 plane
Cyprus – 1 plane and 1 helicopter
Egypt – fire repression materials
France – 5 planes and fire repression materials
Germany – 1 plane, 7 experts in firefighting and fire repression materials
Greece – 7 planes, 34 firefighters and fire repression materials
Holland – 5 experts in firefighting
Italy – 1 plane and fire repression materials
Jordan – 3 truckloads of firefighting equipment and materials
Palestinian Authority – 21 firefighters and 3 fire engines
Russia – 3 planes and 22 experts in firefighting
Spain – 5 planes
Switzerland – 1 plane, 3 helicopters and a team of 14
Turkey – 2 planes
UK – 2 helicopters
US – 5 planes, 11 experts in firefighting and fire repression materials
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Dec 8, 2010
#BDS: Celebrate five years of successes in the Quebec BDS movement!

Wednesday, December 15
Doors at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm
3720 Parc Avenue, 2nd floor
Montreal, Quebec
You are invited to join us at a dinner party celebrating the successes of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement in Quebec over the first five years of this historic campaign. Come celebrate the successes of:
* The recent Montreal BDS Conference
* Quebec’s strong presence at the World Education Forum in Palestine
* The statement of 500 Montreal artists in support of BDS against Israeli apartheid
* Active boycott campaigns at Indigo/Chapters, The Bay (Ahava), and Le Marcheur
* BDS resolutions by CUPW, FFQ, CSN-Conseil Central Montéal Métropolitain, CSQ, la Ligue des droits et libertés, and others
* And many more!
Join us for
* A delicious home-cooked meal!
* Live entertainment!
* And the opportunity to meet up with friends and learn about the experiences of people who have recently returned from the World Education Forum!
This event is a fundraiser for the Middle East solidarity collective, Tadamon!
Tickets are $10 in advance and $12-$15 dollars at the door and include all of the home-cooked food you can eat!
For tickets, please call 514-664-1036 or e-mail us at
Fight the power, turn the tide!
End Israeli apartheid!
Posted by
4:13 AM
#BDS: Palestinian protest disrupts fencing event in Spain
Pro-Palestinian protestors interrupt junior fencing competition in Burgos, chanting anti-Israeli slogans. 'I was shaking the whole competition, it was very scary,' Israeli teen athlete Irina Levin says
The Junior Fencing World Cup in Burgos, Spain turned into a political arena this past weekend when 12 pro-Palestinian protestors stormed the bleachers during a match between Israeland Spain, shouting anti-Israeli slogans and wielding anti-Israel signs.
The protestors yelled "Killers of Palestinians" at the young fencers, and their signs called for a boycott of Israel.
Posted by
4:01 AM
#BDS: احتجاج أردني على مؤتمر إسرائيلي
احتج الأردن لدى إسرائيل الاثنين على عقد مؤتمر من تنظيم أحد نواب الكنيست يدعو فيه لإقامة الوطن البديل للفلسطينيين في الأردن، ويلغي حل الدولتين.
ونقلت وكالة الأنباء الرسمية (بترا) عن نائب رئيس الوزراء الناطق باسم الحكومة الأردنية أيمن الصفدي أن وزارة الخارجية أرسلت مذكرة احتجاج للحكومة الإسرائيلية تؤكد إدانة المملكة لعقد هذا المؤتمر وأن "الأردن يطالب الحكومة الإسرائيلية إدانة المواقف التي يطلقها المؤتمر وإعلان تناقضه مع موقفها الرسمي".
وعبّر الصفدي عن إدانة الأردن "تنظيم عضو الكنيسيت الإسرائيلي المتطرف إريه إلداد مؤتمرا يدعو إلى رفض حل الدولتين الذي يضمن قيام الدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة على التراب الوطني الفلسطيني وعاصمتها القدس الشرقية، والتحريض على اعتبار الأردن وطنا بديلا للفلسطينيين".
وأضاف "انعقاد المؤتمر بمشاركة عضو البرلمان الهولندي المتطرف غيرت فيلدرز -الذي يحاكم في بلاده بتهمة التحريض على الكراهية ضد المسلمين- يشكل تصرفا عبثيا يدينه الأردن ويرفضه ويحذر من أنه يسيء إلى الجهود المستهدفة تحقيق السلام في المنطقة".
ونقل الوزير الأردني عن السفيرة الهولندية بالأردن بعد لقائهما الاثنين بناء على طلبها إن موقف فيلدرز لا يمثل موقف حكومة بلادها التي تحرص على تطوير علاقاتها بالأردن وتؤيد حل الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي على أساس حل الدولتين الذي يضمن قيام الدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة التي تعيش بأمن إلى جانب إسرائيل.
Posted by
3:46 AM
#BDS: Israel ire as Argentina and Brazil recognise Palestine
Israel has reacted angrily to Argentina's recognition of a Palestinian state within 1967 borders.
Monday's move by Argentina comes days after a similar step by South American neighbour Brazil.
The Argentinian foreign ministry said recognition was in line with the Palestinians' right to build an independent state.
More than 100 states around the world recognise Palestine, their mission at the United Nations says.
"The time has come to recognise Palestine as a free and independent state," Foreign Minister Hector Timerman said, adding that Argentina was "frustrated" that peace talks had stalled.
Brazil recognised Palestine on Friday, and Uruguay said it would do the same next year. Costa Rica, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela have already done so.
Posted by
3:18 AM
#BDS: My Experience at Oasis Food Market, Oakland: What a Pleasant Surprise!
"Do you sell Israeli products?" are five words that now represent our opening statement when shopping at Arabic stores across California.
After visiting MECA's Palestinian Crafts Bazaar in Berkeley yesterday, my husband and I headed to Oasis Food Market, an Arabic restaurant and grocery store in Oakland.
When asked that question, the store manager, an Arab from Yemen, explained that the only products in the store imported through “Israel” are those manufactured in 1948 Palestine. Not only that, the store is keen on labeling those products with a sign that says: “Products of Palestine” as shown below:
Oasis sells Palestinian olive oil, dates, soap, thyme and other products from Palestine:
After taking some pictures, I went on to inspect products at the store, I came across Elite, a brand manufactured by Strauss, a company that has in the past publicly adopted the Golani Brigade of the Israeli Occupational Forces and provides its members with financial support. The manager was unaware that Elite is an Israeli product; he promised he would refrain from selling the products of the Zionist enemy.
Oasis is not only a supporter of Palestine: One corner at the entrance of the store displays posters for charitable organizations that support Iraqi orphans.
Please visit Oasis Food Market and purchase Palestinian products:
(510) 655-5111
Farah Rowaysati
Posted by
3:07 AM
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