The Strauss Group, the Israeli company that co-owns the popular Sabra Hummus brand, has removed all references to its support of the Israeli military from the English-language portion its website. This comes a month after activists in Philadelphia descended on a grocery story to produce a creative video criticizing the company's support for Israel human rights abuses.
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Nov 18, 2010
#BDS: مؤتمر كيوبيك: إنهاء الاحتلال العنصري في صالح الإنسانية
انعقد مؤتمر "المقاطعة، وسحب الاستثمارات، وإنزال العقوبات" (BDS)، في كيوبيك/ مونتريال/ كندا، بتاريخ: 22-24 تشرين الأول 2010؛ كجزء من الحملة التي انطلقت، استجابة للنداء الذي أطلقته 170 مؤسسة مدنية فلسطينية، بتاريخ 9 تموز 2005، في الذكرى السنوية الأولى لقرار محكمة العدل الدولية في لاهاي إدانةَ الجدار الاستعماري والاحتلال الإسرائيلي برمّته؛ لتشكيل أوسع حملة للمقاطعة، وسحب الاستثمارات، وإنزال العقوبات، ضد نظام الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي، هادفاً إلى إعادة الزخم إلى الحركة العالمية للحملة الشعبية ضد نظام الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي، في كيوبيك، وإلى الجمع بين المنظمات، التي تتضامن مع الفلسطينيين، لتبني معاً حركة شعبية، تساهم في زيادة الوعي، حول أهداف الحملة في كندا.
تخلَّلت أجواء المؤتمر (حوالي خمسمائة مشارك/ة)، روح شابة مفعمة بالحيوية والحماس، بدأت منذ الجلسة الافتتاحية (حوالي سبعمائة)، واستمرَّت حتى الجلسة الختامية، مروراً بورشات العمل. وجاء انعقاد الجلسة الافتتاحية والختامية في قاعة "ماري جاران لاجوا" (Marie Lacoste Gérin-Lajoie) (المناضلة النسوية الكيوبيكية، التي ربطت ما بين النضال السياسي والنضال الاجتماعي)، ومشاركة ستيفان فوكنر(Stephen Faulkner) (ممثل كونفدرالية نقابات جنوب إفريقيا)، في المؤتمر، ومشاركة "جودي داسيلفا" (Judy Da Silva) ( الناشطة من أجل حقوق السكّان الأصليين)؛ لتحمل مؤشرات ذات مغزى، ترتبط بالروح التي سادت المؤتمر: روح المقاومة والمجابهة والتحدي، بالإضافة إلى النفَس الطويل، الذي يحتاجه العمل النضالي، الساعي إلى تحقيق أهداف سياسية ملموسة.
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7:18 PM
#BDS: الكويت تقر اقتراحات لدعم إجراءات مقاطعة إسرائيل اقتصادياً
نقلا عن اليوم السابع، الأربعاء، 10 نوفمبر 2010
أقرت لجنة الشئون الخارجية بمجلس الأمة الكويتى مجموعة من الاقتراحات بقوانين خاصة لدعم إجراءات حظر التعامل مع الكيان الإسرائيلى، فى ضوء قوانين المقاطعة المنظمة لذلك.
وقال النائب مبارك الخرينج رئيس اللجنة، اليوم، الأربعاء، إن اللجنة أقرت فى اجتماعها الأخير الاقتراحات بشأن المقاطعة الإسرائيلية، موضحا أن أطر المقاطعة تمتد إلى الأمور الاقتصادية وتبادل الزيارات أو الاستيراد أو التصدير، والإعلان عن البضائع وغيرها من الأمور التى تمثل أى اتصال أو ارتباط مع الكيان الصهيونى.
وأضاف الخرينج أن تلك المقاطعة ستستمر حتى يعدل الكيان الصهيونى مواقفه الرافضة للحق العربى، ويقر الحق العادل والمشروع للفلسطينيين فى وطنهم وحماية المقدسات فى بيت المقدس.
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5:59 AM
#BDS: US Mennonite students push for divestment from Israeli occupation
Eastern Mennonite University students are pushing their institution for divestment from companies supporting Israeli military occupation of Palestinian lands.
On 12 November 2010, Students for Morally Responsible Investment (SMRI) presented their case against EMU's investment in businesses which help fund or further oppression in Israel-Palestine.
Leaders of SMRI have now met with Everence (a Mennonite financial institution), Mennonite Educational Agency (MEA) and the EMU administration, seeking a change of policy.
They say they are hopeful about progress made at the meetings - including the Financial and Audit Committee of EMU last week.
"The presence of 35 EMU students right outside of the meeting room, sitting in vigil, in solidarity, and in support, was amazing to see," said senior (final year student) Jessica Sarriot.
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5:45 AM
#BDS: أكاديمية إسرائيلية تؤيد مقاطعة بلادها
انتقدت الأكاديمية الإسرائيلية عنات مطر من قسم الفلسفلة بجامعة تل أبيب ما وصفته بتواطؤ الأكاديميين الإسرائيليين مع الاحتلال، معربة عن تأييدها لفرض عقوبات دولية على إسرائيل ومقاطعة جامعاتها.
جاء ذلك في مقال نشرته الأكاديمية في "كتاب دراسات 2010" الذي سيصدر في غضون الأسابيع القليلة المقبلة ضمن ملف خاص حول التعليم العالي في فلسطين المحتلة عام 1948، ويشمل مجموعة من المقالات والأوراق البحثية في مجالات متنوعة.
وقالت مطر إن "الفلسفة الأكاديمية الإسرائيلية تخدم المؤسسة الأمنية والعسكرية في البلاد"، مشيرة إلى أن ما يسمى الحرية الأكاديمية في الجامعات الإسرائيلية "يتم تطويعها لخدمة سياسات الدولة وتكميم الأصوات الناقدة بين المحاضرين والأكاديميين الإسرائيليين".
ودعت في مقالها تحت عنوان "عن الحرية والخدمة.. الحرية الأكاديمية في إسرائيل والأراضي التي تحتلها" إلى تأييد المقاطعة الدولية الأكاديمية والثقافية للجامعات الإسرائيلية.
ويستعرض المقال ما تتعرض له الجامعات الفلسطينية في الأراضي المحتلة عام 1967 من عراقيل وتنكيل وسكوت معظم الأكاديميين الإسرائيليين على ذلك.
يذكر أن 407 محاضرين فقط (أي 10%) من أصل خمسة آلاف محاضر إسرائيلي قبلوا التوقيع على عريضة عام 2008 لمنح حرية التنقل للطلاب والمحاضرين في الأراضي المحتلة.
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5:37 AM
#BDS: Five Australian Unions Support BDS of Israel

Five Australian unions have joined the international campaign advocating the boycott of Israeli goods from the occupied West Bank.
The Electrical Trades Union, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, the Queensland branch of the Rail Tram and Bus Union and the Finance Sector Union passed a resolution in late October supporting the international boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, reported the Jewish Telegraph Agency.
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5:26 AM
#BDS: British boycott campaigners target Israeli string quartet
British activists of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) are planning to protest outside a concert hall in the city of Bath, in England, later this week, over a concert given by a string quartet from Israel. The ‘Bath Chronicle’ reports that the Bristol branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign alleges that group – the Jerusalem String Quartet – was aligned with the Israeli military. The musicians reject the charge. The activists claim the demonstration will be peaceful and they would urge concertgoers to write to the Israeli Embassy in London to protest at Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.
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5:23 AM
#BDS: Settlement Petitioned Government In 2001 To Avoid Paying Taxes, Saying It Was Not Part Of Israel
In contrast with its claims in recent months that it is part of the state of Israel and should be treated as such, the municipal government of the settlement of Ariel has been shown to have argued the exact opposite, in 2001, in order to avoid paying VAT (value added tax) taxes to the state.
The documents uncovered by Israeli reporters with the Ha'aretz newspaper show that Ariel's leaders filed a petition to the Israeli government in 2001 demanding the return of past VAT taxes, claiming that since Ariel was not a part of Israel, it did not have to pay these taxes.
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5:01 AM
#BDS: Zionists Attack Meeting of Jewish Peace Group in California; 2 Injured
A meeting of the left-wing advocacy group 'Jewish Voice for Peace' in San Francisco Sunday was attacked by right-wing Zionists from 'SF Voice for Israel' who, wrapped in an Israeli flag, harassed and intimidated meeting attendees, pepper spraying two attendees at point-blank range causing their skin to be burned.
This is not the first time that 'SF Voice for Israel' members have attacked either pro-peace or pro-Palestinian groups. At a protest last year, 'SF Voice for Israel' members photographed the faces of attendees, then threatening them, saying, “You’re all being identified, every last one of you…we will find out where you live. We’re going to make your lives difficult. We will disrupt your families…” The threat was captured on video, and a police report was filed.
Attacks on Jews organizing meetings for equal rights for Palestinian by right-wing Zionists have been increasing in intensity and severity in recent months, both in Israel and in the U.S.
This is not the first time that 'SF Voice for Israel' members have attacked either pro-peace or pro-Palestinian groups. At a protest last year, 'SF Voice for Israel' members photographed the faces of attendees, then threatening them, saying, “You’re all being identified, every last one of you…we will find out where you live. We’re going to make your lives difficult. We will disrupt your families…” The threat was captured on video, and a police report was filed.
Attacks on Jews organizing meetings for equal rights for Palestinian by right-wing Zionists have been increasing in intensity and severity in recent months, both in Israel and in the U.S.
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4:59 AM
#BDS: Leftists chant 'stop Apartheid' outside Tel Aviv opera
Activists denounce Israel as South Africa's Cape Town Opera performs Porgy and Bess. Counter rally: We are all Israel. We are all Ariel
Theater goers arriving at the premiere of the opera Porgy and Bess at the Tel Aviv Opera House on Monday found themselves in the eye of a political storm. Shortly before the opera, performed by South Africa's Cape Town Opera, around 40 left-wing activists held a protest rally and sang slogans denouncing Israel using paraphrased numbers from the songs performed on stage.
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4:53 AM
#BDS: Prestigious magazine fights Israel
Comprehensive study reveals London Review of Books presents 'starkly one-sided and fringe approach' against Jewish state. Israeli, Jewish contributors among harshest critics
British organization Just Journalism on Monday published a scathing study on the way Israel is being covered by London Review of Books – one of the most important and widely circulated literary magazines in the world.
According to the comprehensive study, the magazine systematically publishes articles clearly criticizing Israel. "The State of Israel wishes to inculcate in its soldiers a neo-Nazi ideology wrapped in Judaism" or "the Israelis think of Arabs much as they think of chickens of cats" are only two of the many statements which appear regularly in the prestigious magazine's articles.
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4:50 AM
#BDS: Students join Ariel boycott
Education students refuse to participate in teaching project beyond Green Line; College administration rejects request to change location, says will give students alternate option
Ariel boycott – first artists, now students. A group of education students from Beit Berl College on Wednesday informed the college's administration that they refuse to hold their final project at an educational facility in the city of Ariel.
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4:48 AM
#BDS:Israeli fights Spanish site's Israel boycott
Bertha Linker gets Spanish learning website to accept her, remove anti-Israel material
Bertha Linker, 32, recently decided to register with the website in order to improve her level of writing in Spanish through online studies.
But she was soon surprised to learn that her request had been rejected as the website is boycotting Israel over its policy in the Palestinian territories.
Linker reported the response to the Israeli Embassy in Spain, which discovered that the website also features anti-Israel materials. The embassy then approached lawyers to examine the matter's legal aspect.
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4:47 AM
#BDS: Israelis 2nd in US real estate investment
International report indicates Israeli firms invested $441 million in US property in January-July 2010, second only to Canadian investors
Israelis are the biggest foreign investors in the United States after the Canadians, an international report by RCA real estate assessments suggests. According to the report, Israelis invested $441 million in US real estate between January and July 2010. The Canadians, by comparison, invested some $ 1.67 billion.
The most prominent Israeli firm to invest in the US this year was Nochi Dankner's Property and Building Corporation of the IDB Group. The company climbed to the second place in New York investments following its acquisition of the HSBC building.
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4:42 AM
#BDS: Bar and Leo's entourage arrives in Israel
Israeli supermodel, her Hollywood boyfriend land in private jet under heavy security along with Leonardo DiCaprio's mother, actor Kevin Connolly. Group scheduled to visit Western Wall, tourist destinations
Star-studded visit: Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli and her boyfriend, Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport on Sundy along with DiCaprio's mother, Irmelin, and "Entourage" actor Kevin Connolly, for a few day visit to the Holy Land.
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4:36 AM
#BDS: After Ariel: Kiryat Arba gets new culture hall
Construction of luxurious cultural center beyond green line set to be completed over next few months
After Ariel residents got their very own brand new cultural center which was accompanied by three boycott letters, and quite a media storm, the residents of Kiryat Arba are hoping to enjoy concerts and performance in their own culture hall: The construction of luxurious cultural center, the second beyond the green line, is set to be completed over the next few months.
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4:33 AM
#BDS: 'Wagner is just music, not politics'
As a child in Vienna, Roberto Paternostro saw his grandfather attack an SS officer who sent his family to concentration camps. This didn't stop Israel Chamber Orchestra conductor from initiating controversial concert at festival honoring German anti-Semitic composer
BERLIN - Roberto Paternostro, the artistic director and Austrian conductor of the Israel Chamber Orchestra, is going through hard times. At first, he was forced to deal with harsh reactions inIsrael, particularly on the part of Holocaust survivors, following hisinitiative to have an Israeli orchestra participate for the first time in a festival held every summer in Bayreuth – the city of German anti-Semitic composer Richard Wagner.
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4:28 AM
#BDS: Rapper Shyne resurrects his career in Holy Land
Former protégé of Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs who became 'Baal Tshuva' while serving lengthy prison term over famous nightclub incident says, 'Israel ultimate place to be who you are'
The rapper Shyne is singing a new tune: After serving eight years in prison for a nightclub shooting, the former protégé of Sean "P. Diddy" Combs has converted to Orthodox Judaism, come to Jerusalem, and is devoting his days to the study of Torah while plotting a musical comeback.
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4:26 AM
#BDS: Leonardo DiCaprio reportedly looking to build house in Israel
Israel Hayom newspaper reports that the Hollywood star, currently in Israel with girlfriend Bar Refaeli, is looking to buy a plot of land on which to build a home to serve as a base during his visits.
American actor Leonardo DiCaprio is looking to build a house in Israel, the Israel Hayom daily newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Citing associates of DiCaprio, the report said that the actor - the boyfriend of Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli - wants to buy a plot of land on which to build a house that will serve as his base during visits to Israel.
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4:12 AM
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