Oct 24, 2010

#BDS: Israeli artist: IDF an army of evil

Israeli artists join MachsomWatch tour of West Bank villages; slam IDF policies in crossings, say soldiers 'have no idea how bestial their behavior is'

Several Israeli artists and creators joined by dozens of other Israelis took part in a MachsomWatch tour of the West Bank Friday, in order to "get first hand knowledge of the evils of the occupation."

MachsomWatch, founded in 2001, is an organization of peace activists which regularly protests Israeli presence in the West Bank.

Among the artists taking part in Friday's tour were actors Oded Kotler and Amnon Meskin and directors Ati Zitron and Ram Levy.

The group toured several Palestinian villages near the West Bank cities of Qalqilya and Nablus, the Elkana Local Council and the city of Ariel, which has been in the center of a cultural debatein the past months, after artists refused to perform in it newly inducted cultural hall.

#BDS: عندما تقاطع جنوب أفريقيا إسرائيل العنصرية

د. فايز رشيد

من أشد من عانوا من العنصرية في التاريخ المعاصر ومن ذاقوا ويلاتها، الجنوب افريقيون، وممن ما زالوا يعانونها: شعبنا الفلسطيني، ولذلك يكون التضامن مع شعبنا ذا طعم آخر عندما يأتي من أولئك الذين عاشوا ظروفاً مشابهة في بلدهم، وانتصروا في معركتهم الوطنية، وقذفوا بالنظام العنصري الى مزابل التاريخ. ذلك الانتصار هو قدوة لشعبنا الفلسطيني الذي يكافح منذ قرن زمني تقريباً ضد العنصريين الإسرائيليين، ووفقاً لحتمية التاريخ سيقذف أيضاً أعداءه الصهاينة إلى نفس مزابل التاريخ.
من بين أشد المناضلين لنظام الفصل العنصري في جنوب أفريقيا، ومن أشد المدافعين عن القضية الفلسطينية وحقوق شعبنا الوطنية: المناضل الجنوب أفريقي روني كاسريلز، وهو بالمناسبة من أصل أوروبي ويهودي الديانة، اعتقل إبّان حكم الأبارتهايد هو وزوجته، واضطرا للتخفي بعد إطلاق سراحهما، ومغادرة جنوب أفريقيا تهريباً، بـــقرار من الحزب الشيوعي الذي كانا ينتميان إليه.
كاسريلز شغل منصب وزير في حكومة جنوب أفريقيا السابقة إبّان حكم الرئيس تامبو مبيكي، وهو كاتب معروف ليس على صعيد بلده، وإنما على صعيد أشمل وأعّم أيضا. زار قطاع غزة عندما كان وزيرا تضامنا مع أهله، ورفض دعوة رسمية لزيارة اسرائيل علنا في تصريح صحافي له من غزة، أصدر العديد من الكتب التي تؤرخ لويلات نظام الفصل العنصري وآخرها عن نضالات زوجته والعذابات التي عانتها في المعتقل، والتي توفيت منذ عام بمرض السرطان.
وهو مدعو رسميا لزيارة سورية قريبا لالقاء بعض المحاضرات في عدد من جامعاتها. كاسريلز هو ممن يكتبون المقالات السياسية في جريدة 'الغارديان' البريطانية، وآخرها في التاسع والعشرين من ايلول/سبتمبر الماضي، وكان بعنوان: جنوب أفريقيا تقاطع إسرائيل بسبب عنصريتها. قُدّر لي في زيارتي مؤخراً إلى جنوب أفريقيا ومن خلال مساندين آخرين لقضيتنا عقد بعض اللقاءات معه، ومما قاله ومما لمسته شخصيا، ومما كتبه في مقالته المذكورة، أورد بعض المقاطع والأرقام عن حجم التأييد للقضية الفلسطينية، الذي يتولى مسؤوليته هو وعدد من زملائه من خلال هيئات ومؤسسات عديدة، جعلت همها وشغلها الشاغل تأييد القضية الوطنية للشعب الفلسطيني. المقال ترجمه إلى العربية عبد الرحمن الحسيني ونشرته صحيفة 'الغد' الأردنية (أوائل تشرين الاول/أكتوبر الحالي).
لقد تعهد مؤخراً أكثر من 155 أكاديميا في عموم جنوب أفريقيا من أكثر من 13 جامعة في بيان أصدروه ووقعوا عليه، بتقديم دعمهم لمبادرة جامعة جوهانسبرغ، الداعية إلى وضع حد للتعاون مع إسرائيل. ومنذئذ امتدت الحملة لتشمل 200 جهة داعمة لهذا الاقتراح، وفي هذه الغضون استقطبت المناشدة الأكاديمية التي عمّت البلاد والداعية إلى إلغاء اتفاقية تعاون بين جامعة جوهانسبرغ وجامعة بن غوريون الإسرائيلية لإجراء أبحاث في صحراء النقب، اهتماماً واسع النطاق وبمصادقة أصوات لشخصيات جنوب أفريقية معروفة، مما اضطر الناشطين إلى إصدار بيان جديد قالوا فيه: 'نحن ـ الأكاديمين ـ نقر بأن تجري كافة نشاطاتنا الفكرية في سياقات اجتماعية أضخم، وعلى نحو خاص في مؤسسات ملتزمة بالتحول الاجتماعي، وندعو كافة المؤسسات الجنوب أفريقية إلى إعادة النظر في العلاقات التي كانت قد تشكلت في ظل حقبة الأبارتهايد مع المؤسسات الأخرى، التي غضت الطرف عن القمع العـــنصري في اســــرائيل، باعتبار هذا النشاط - ثقافياً صرفاً- أو عملاً علمياً، وأوضــــح الناشــــطون أن الجامعات الإسرائيلية ليست مستهدفة بالمقاطعــــة بســبب هويتها الإثنية أو الدينية، وإنما لتواطئها مع النظام الإسرائيلي القائم على الفصل العنصري. ولقد أيدت جامعة بن غوريون كافة النشاطات الاسرائيلية ضد الفلسطينيين، ونحن نمتلك الادلة على ذلك.
لقد وقفت أوساط شعبية جنوب أفريقية عديدة مع شعبنا الفلسطيني في صموده أمام العدوان الصهيوني الأخير على غزة 2008- 2009 وأصدروا بيانات عديدة وساروا بمظاهرة أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية في جنوب أفريقيا.
وقد أشاد الأكاديميون بالتقرير الذي أصدره القاضي الجنوب أفريقي غولدستون، ورفعه إلى الأمم المتحدة، والذي تطرّق فيه إلى جرائم الحرب التي ارتكبتها إسرائيل في ذلك العدوان، وما زالت ترتكبها بالحصار الظالم الذي تفرضه على القطاع للعام الرابع على التوالي.
وقال الأكاديميون في بيانهم 'ان الموقف المبدئي للأكاديميين في جنوب أفريقيا والقاضي بالنأي بأنفسهم عن المؤسسات التي تدعم الاحتلال، هو انعكاس لحالات التقدم التي أنجزت على صعيد تعرية النظام الإسرائيلي، من حيث إدانته بالتورط في المشروع الكولونيالي غير القانوني واللاأخلاقي'.
من الجدير ذكره، أن مجلس أبحاث العلوم الإنسانية في جنوب أفريقيا، أصدر استجابة لتحقيق كلفته به حكومة جنوب أفريقيا في العام 2009، تقريراً يؤكد فيه (أن العنصرية البنيوية اليومية، كما القمع الذي تفرضه إسرائيل انما يؤسس لنظام فصل عنصري وكولونيالية مشابهة لتلك التي أطرّت حياة الناس في جنوب أفريقيا سابقاً).
رد الفعل الحكومي الجنوب أفريقي على مجزرة السفينة مرمرة، وبضغط من القوى والهيئات المساندة للشعب الفلسطيني، تمثّل في استدعاء السفير الإسرائيلي، وإصدار واحد من أقوى أشكال الإدانة الدبلوماسية وتقديمه للسفير الإسرائيلي في بريتوريا، وكان ذلك بمثابة تصريح قوي باعتراف حكومة جنوب أفريقيا بأن ممارسات إسرائيل تستحق مطلق الازدراء.
لقد دشنت الحملة الداعية إلى مقاطعة إسرائيل وسحب الاستثمارات منها، وفرض العقوبات عليها، في جنوب أفريقيا. وقد ألزمت النقابات العمالية نفسها بدعم هذه الحملة، وعلى نحو خاص الإجراء الذي اتخذه اتحاد النقل والعمال المتحدون معه وعمال أحواض السفن في وقت سابق من العام الماضي، برفض تنزيل السلع الإسرائيلية في ميناء ديربان، وهو التزام تم تجديده في تموز (يوليو) من هذا العام.
أيضاً تقوم هذه القوى والهيئات بحملات كثيرة تحث المستهلك الجنوب أفريقي على مقاطعة البضائع الإسرائيلية، ودشنت مؤخراً حملة جديدة لمقاطعة أدوات التجميل التي تنتجها شركة (هافا) الإسرائيلية من البحر الميت، اضافة إلى الانضمام للحملة الدولية، الداعية إلى مقاطعة المنتجات الإسرائيلية.
الحصيلة، إن قوى كثيرة على صعيد العالم تؤيد قضية شعبنا العادلة، يبقى علينا مساندتها وتعميق العلاقات معها لتصبح قوة تضاف إلى نضالنا العادل، وأن نخرج من دائرة (أسوأ المحامين عن أعدل القضايا).
' كاتب فلسطين

#BDS: PACBI Salutes Mike Leigh's Moral Courage

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) salutes the British writer and director, Mike Leigh, for his recent decision not to visit Israel to teach at the Sam Spiegel Film & Television School’s "Great Masters" program. In his letter, Leigh cited the “Loyalty Oath” as the last straw, in addition to “the ongoing criminal blockade of Gaza, not to mention the endless shooting of innocent people there.”[1]
Leigh’s position highlights the fact that collaborating with institutions of a state that practices occupation, colonization and apartheid, as Israel does, cannot be regarded as a neutral act in the name of academic freedom or cultural exchange. Regardless of intentions, such acts are a conscious form of complicity that is manipulated by Israel in its efforts to whitewash its persistent violations of international law and Palestinian rights. Collaborating with Israeli institutions that have not once spoken out against – let alone acted to end -- the occupation and apartheid policies of Israel sends a message to Palestinians that the world is not interested in human rights, equality and freedom. Leigh’s decision, thus, reverberates positively among oppressed Palestinians and among conscience people around the world who are calling for peace based on justice and respect for international law.
We also wish to acknowledge Leigh’s sentiment when he concluded that, “If you and I should live long enough to see peace, a just solution for Palestinians, and Gaza restored to humanity, I will be first in line to visit the school” [2]. This statement captures part of the spirit of the academic and cultural boycott of Israel, which calls for boycott against Israel until Israel restores justice to oppressed, dispossessed and ethnically cleansed Palestinians, and to do so by meeting three key demands: 1) an end to the occupation of all Palestinian lands; 2) a recognition and promotion of the UN-sanctioned Palestinian right of return; 3) an end to the system of racial discrimination, or apartheid, against Palestinian citizens of Israel. Until that time in which these conditions are met, Palestinian civil society calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against all complicit Israeli institutions.
Finally, in saluting Leigh’s decision we extend our thanks to him and others who have answered our call, and we ask that they do not let themselves be swayed by those who say “the public will interpret your decision as indicating an irrevocable rift between us, a boycott of Israel, and a rebuke of its current and future artists” [3]. Rather, Leigh, and others, should know that a world of opportunity and alternative dialogue, based on the BDS principles, now opens up to them, and that their actions will certainly not be “a rift” with people in Israel and Palestine who seek true justice, equality and freedom. Moreover, this is a rebuke of Israeli institutions that are part of the machinery of oppression orchestrated by the Israeli government over many decades. It is a clear, positive message for change, justice and freedom heard by Palestinians, as well as by all conscientious individuals around the world, including in Israel.

#BDS: Guns N’ Roses: An Opportunity to Untie your Hands

Dear Guns N’ Roses,
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) was dismayed to read reports that you are considering performing in Israel later this year [1]. PACBI, supported by an overwhelming majority of Palestinian civil society and, in particular, by almost the entire community of Palestinian cultural workers [2], views such a performance in Israel as a form of complicity in whitewashing Israel's occupation, apartheid and war crimes. More importantly, your upcoming performance would violate the appeal of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement [3] which urges people of conscience throughout the world to isolate Israel until it ends its colonial and apartheid oppression of the Palestinian people, as was done to the apartheid regime in South Africa.
Based on your music, most notably your song, “Civil War,” you must surely be aware that music cannot rise above politics or be detached from moral responsibility. Otherwise, why attempt to reach the hearts of millions through a protest song against war? Perhaps more powerfully, “Civil War” was about a type of war that defined the coming age, as the 1990s saw the breakup of a bipolar world and the proliferation of smaller, less tractable civil wars. People all over the world heard your words, and none more clearly than your fans in South Africa who called for an end to apartheid…and succeeded!
In 2004, PACBI, inspired by the triumphant cultural boycott of apartheid South Africa, and supported by key Palestinian unions and cultural groups, issued a call for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel. PACBI appealed to international artists to refuse to perform in Israel [4] or participate in events that serve to equate the occupier and the occupied [5] and thus promote the continuation of injustice. Following this, in 2005, Palestinian civil society called for an all-encompassing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign based on the principles of human rights, justice, freedom and equality [6]. The BDS movement is asking artists to heed our call until “Israel withdraws from all the lands occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem; removes all its colonies in those lands; agrees to United Nations resolutions relevant to the restitution of Palestinian refugees rights; and dismantles its system of apartheid." [7]
In this climate of persistent oppression and racist subjugation, you should ask yourself whether you wish, by performing in Israel, to be complicit in whitewashing the following violations by Israel of international law and Palestinian rights:
- A brutal and unlawful military occupation of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip. Israel restricts Palestinians’ freedom of movement and of speech; blocks access to lands, health care, and education; imprisons Palestinian leaders and human rights activists without charge or trial; and inflicts, on a daily basis, humiliation and violence at the more than 600 military checkpoints and roadblocks strangling the West Bank. All the while, Israel continues to build its illegal wall on Palestinian land and to support the ever-expanding network of illegal, Jewish-only settlements that divide the West Bank into Bantustans.

- A growing system of Apartheid towards the Palestinian citizens of Israel, with laws and policies that deny Palestinian citizens the rights that their Jewish counterparts enjoy. These laws and policies affect education, land ownership, housing, employment, marriage, and all other aspects of people's daily lives. In this way, Israeli democracy, for Jews only, is as much a myth and as “ironic” as Chinese democracy. [8]

- A denial of the internationally recognized right of return for Palestinian refugees who were ethnically cleansed in 1948 in the process of forming an exclusivist Jewish state. Israel also continues to expel people from their homes in Jerusalem and the Naqab (Negev). Today, there are more than 7 million refugees, still struggling for their right to return to their homes, like all refugees around the world.

Israel openly uses artists, musicians and other cultural workers as part of a campaign to Brand Israel [9], a campaign that has been launched by the Israeli government and promoted by institutions throughout the country and abroad in order to whitewash Israel’s violations of international law and project a false image of normalcy. But after Israel’s war of aggression against Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009, which left 1,400 Palestinians dead [10], predominantly civilians, and led the UN Goldstone Report to declare that Israel had committed war crimes [11], and after the flotilla massacre, many international artists have refused to conduct business as usual with a country that places itself above international standards. Elvis Costello [12], Gil Scott Heron, Carlos Santana, Devendra Banhart, and the Pixies are but a few of the artists who have refused to perform in Israel in the past year. In his decision not to play, Devendra Banhart said,

Unfortunately, we tried to make it clear that we were coming to share a human and not a political message but it seems that we are being used to support views that are not our own. [13]

Maxi Jazz (Faithless front-man) had this to say as he maintained his principled position not to entertain apartheid,

While human beings are being willfully denied not just their rights but their needs for their children and grandparents and themselves, I feel deeply that I should not be sending even tacit signals that [performing in Israel] is either 'normal' or 'ok'. It's neither and I cannot support it. It grieves me that it has come to this and I pray everyday for human beings to begin caring for each other, firm in the wisdom that we are all we have. [14]

The call for BDS has also been supported by prominent and devoted anti-racist activists around the world, from South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu [15] to best-selling African-American author Alice Walker. If you are still unconvinced because of a claim that a cultural boycott of Israel would infringe on freedom of expression and cultural exchange, then we recall for you the judicious words of Enuga S. Reddy, director of the United Nations Center against Apartheid, who in 1984 responded to similar criticism voiced against the cultural boycott of South Africa saying:

It is rather strange, to say the least, that the South African regime which denies all freedoms... to the African majority... should become a defender of the freedom of artists and sportsmen of the world. We have a list of people who have performed in South Africa because of ignorance of the situation or the lure of money or unconcern over racism. They need to be persuaded to stop entertaining apartheid, to stop profiting from apartheid money and to stop serving the propaganda purposes of the apartheid regime. [16]
Back to your lyrics; you once said, perhaps in a cynical moment, “My hands are tied” as the war goes on, and “you can’t trust freedom when it’s not in your hands; when everybody’s fighting for their promised land.” We are providing a way for you to untie your hands, to not sit idly by, or worse, support the war, occupation and apartheid. Equally important, you must know that we do not fight to liberate a promised land, but rather, to liberate a people. Can you really sing such words in such times in Israel?
You may be particularly interested to know that, as part of its illegal and criminal siege of Gaza, Israel has prevented not only various types of medicines, candles, books, crayons, clothing, shoes, blankets, pasta, tea, coffee and chocolate, but also musical instruments from reaching the 1.5 million Palestinians incarcerated in the world’s largest open-air prison [17]. Can you entertain such a state with a clear conscience?
Can you stand on that stage giving legitimacy to the oppressor when the title song of your new album is an emotional gesture to Tibet and a China free from oppression?
To perform in Israel is to support this oppressive and racist power and ignore a people’s non-violent struggle for freedom. We therefore ask that you do not play in Israel.



#BDS: Joint Statement on Anti-Defamation Leagues “Top 10” List

On October 14th, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) named Students for Justice in Palestine on
its list of the “Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups in America,” claiming that “SJP chapters regularly
organize activities presenting a biased view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including mock
‘apartheid walls’ and ‘checkpoint’ displays.” As members of several student groups working for
justice in Palestine, we affirmatively state that the ADL’s characterization of our campus
educational efforts and activism about Israeli injustices against Palestinians as “biased” is a
disingenuous and misguided attempt to vilify students that criticize Israel’s occupation, which
denies Palestinian human rights and self-determination. In this statement, we clarify our
principles and invite the ADL to reconsider its categorical silence on egregious Israeli human
rights violations by joining the movement for freedom, equality, and justice in Palestine.
Students for Justice in Palestine groups have developed independently as students across the
country seek to raise awareness about the Israeli government’s violations of human rights. Our
groups represent constituencies of students, faculty, staff and community members from diverse
ethnic, religious, national, and political backgrounds including many Jewish and Israeli members
who have been continually ostracized by organizations like the ADL. Our organizations work
independently of one another, but collectively, we are united in our belief in justice, freedom and
human rights for the Palestinian people. We are unified by our purpose of confronting these
wrongs that cause so much death and suffering.
The ADL shields Israeli policy by invoking the “complexity of the conflict” without ever
illuminating it. As students we have a definite responsibility to use the tools of knowledge at our
disposal to penetrate that complexity; “to speak truth and to expose lies” and “to analyze actions
according to their causes and motives and often hidden intentions,” to quote social critic Noam
Chomksy.1 Complexity can never be an excuse for complacency. In that vein, groups like the
United Nations Human Rights Council, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International have
affirmed in painstaking detail Israel’s deplorable human rights record and systematic
intransigency. By educating ourselves, our campuses and our communities about what the Israeli
government inflicts upon the Palestinian people within the occupied territories, inside Israel, and
beyond, we can begin to identify the problems that cause this injustice. United States foreign aid
to Israel – which numbers in the billions every year – is chief amongst the issues enabling
Israel’s continued occupation and racism. As students in America, therefore, our duty is threefold:
to apply our academic rigor to learn the truth, to educate and hold our communities
accountable for support given in our name, and to lobby our government to end its diplomatic
cover for Israeli injustice.
Palestinians have the right to fight for their freedom and to resist the occupation and colonization
of their indigenous lands. Therefore, we are committed to non-violent activism that promotes
education, civic and political organization to promote the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Many
of our organizations have responded favorably to a 2005 call from over 170 civil society
organizations within Palestine for activists to stand in solidarity by promoting the Boycott,
1 Noam Chomsky, “The Responsibility of Intellectuals,” The New York Review of Books,
February 23, 1967 available at http://www.chomsky.info/articles/19670223.htm
Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. We see this method as an important and practical
tool that students can use to express solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom. We also
believe it illuminates the behind-the-scenes relationships, economic and otherwise, that enable
Israel’s behavior and that can be used to urge our communities to be accountable to the ways in
which they may unwittingly support the occupation.
We are inspired by the international movement against South African apartheid—which
successfully ended only 16 years ago—and we aim similarly to bring an end to the system
imposed by Israel on the Palestinians. As in the South African movement, the BDS call has been
endorsed by many conscientious citizens of Israel, including Arabs and Jews, as well as
numerous social justice and peace activists around the world. Among the luminaries supporting
the call for solidarity are Nobel Peace laureates like Archbishop Desmond Tutu, co-drafter of the
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Stephane Hessel, distinguished professors, jurists,
authors, intellectuals, and artists.
Ultimately, we locate ourselves in a legacy of social justice movements working at the grassroots
for a free and just world. The ADL itself started this way a century ago. We suspect that the
ADL, high on its perch among the political elite, has lost sight of its founding values. It opposed
the South African anti-apartheid movement and engaged in massive spying on private American
citizens. It recently abandoned its belief in religious freedom by condemning Muslim Americans
hoping to build an Islamic community center in lower Manhattan. The same day it attacked SJP,
the ADL honored Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul who owns Fox News Network, one of the
most despicable purveyors of hatred against Muslim, Arab, Latino, Black, and queer
communities in our time. These are not the actions of an organization with a moral compass that
points in the direction of justice.
We will continue to work for a just peace where Palestinians are free in their homeland and
equals to Jewish Israelis. We invite the ADL to reflect and to choose to build this world, rather
than to stop it.
Students For Justice in Palestine Group Signatories
Arizona State University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Bard College, International Solidarity Movement
Bates College, Students for Justice in Palestine
Benedictine University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Boston University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Brandeis University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Brown University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Clark University, Students for Palestinian Rights
Columbia University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Cornell University, United for Peace and Justice in Palestine
DePaul University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Florida International University, Miami, Students for Justice in Palestine
Georgetown University, Students for Justice in Palestine
George Washington University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Hampshire College- Students for Justice in Palestine
Harvard College- Palestine Solidarity Committee
Harvard University- Alliance for Justice in the Middle East
Illinois Institute of Technology- Students for Justice in Palestine
Loyola University Chicago- Middle East Student Association (MESA)
Macalester College- Macalester Students United for Palestinian
Equal Rights
Massachusetts Institute of Technology- Palestine@MIT
New York University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Northeastern Illinois University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Northeastern University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Northwestern University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Ohio State University- Committee for Justice in Palestine
Purdue University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Rutgers University- BAKA: Students United for Middle Eastern
School of the Art Institute of Chicago- Students for Justice in Palestine
St. Xavier University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Suffolk University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Temple University- Students for Justice in Palestine
Texas Christian University- Students for Justice in Palestine
The Pennsylvania State University- University Park, Students for Justice in Palestine
Tufts University- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Arizona- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, Berkeley- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, Davis- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, Hastings College of the Law- La Raza Law Students Association
University of California, Hastings College of the Law- Middle Eastern Law Students Association
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law- Law Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, Los Angeles- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, Riverside- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, San Diego- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, Santa Barbara- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of California, Santa Cruz- Committee for Justice in Palestine
University of Chicago- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Connecticut- International Relations Association
University of Florida, Gainesville- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Florida- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Illinois at Chicago- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Maryland, Baltimore- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Massachusetts, Boston- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Michigan- Students Allied for Freedom and Equality
University of Pittsburgh- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of South Florida- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Southern California- Students for Justice in Palestine
University of Texas, Austin- Palestine Solidarity Committee
University of Washington, Seattle- Students for Justice in Palestine
Wellesley College- Justice for Palestine
Yale University- Students for Justice in Palestine