Aug 14, 2010

Support ISM work in Palestine

** please circulate widely **

The ongoing suppression of the Palestinian grassroots resistance has
included targeting international solidarity activists. Numerous
volunteers with the International Solidarity Movement have been
arrested or deported in past months.

A tactic of challenging the occupation and the Israeli authorities is
via legal measures.
As Israel’s crackdown on popular resistance escalates, International
Solidarity Movement activists are working on the ground to fight the
authorities’ attempts to arrest, imprison and deport us – all
strategies employed by Israel in their attempts at disconnecting us
from our role in the struggle against apartheid. Legal challenges are
an important battle field in non-violent resistance because often the
occupation is forced to change their policies when these are held up
to scrutiny.

The past six months have seen a surge in Israel’s crackdown on
Palestinian and international activists involved in the popular
resistance, marked by a wave of arrests targeting grassroots
organizers from the popular committees of Bil’in, Ni’lin, Al Masara
and Nablus and international activists involved in these regions’
struggles. Several ISM activists have been illegally abducted by
Israeli forces and continue to fight lengthy legal battles against the
Israeli state for these cases, in addition to the frequent arrests of
activists at the growing number of West Bank demonstrations that the
military has struggled in vain to crush.

American ISM activist Ryan Olander was arrested on December 18 in
Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem. He was then illegally re-arrested by
“Oz” immigration unit the following day, just moments after his
release. He spent 29 days in Ramle Givon detention center resisting
deportation before he was released. On June 3 the Israeli District
Court ruled in Olander’s favor, the precedent-setting ruling
articulating that the police and “Oz” immigration unit practices were
illegal. This victory paves the way for a legal grounding for future

Czech activist and ISM media co-ordinator Eva Novakova was kidnapped
by Oz forces in a night raid operation on her Ramallah apartment on
January 11. Australian activist and ISM international co-ordinator
Bridget Chappell and Spanish activist Araidna Jove Marti were abducted
by Israeli military forces in a similar night raid on the ISM media
office in Ramallah on February 7 (see:
All three activists pursued the issue in the Israeli Supreme Court,
bringing Israel’s repreated violation of the Oslo accords in to focus.
In the case of Chappell and Marti, the State Prosecutor was forced to
admit the their arrests had been outside the legal framework, with the
judge declaring their detention illegal.

These legal battles, taking the Israeli power structures on at their
own game, constitutes a form of “resistance” that has the potential to
set decisive precedents and alter Israeli policy, while at the same
time exposing the level of corroboration between various Israeli
departments in the occupation’s implementation.

This kind of legal work comes at a high price tag, we currently owe
around 18,000 NIS to our lawyers. The ISM is asking its supporters to
donate now to support the work of the ISM’s solidarity with the
Palestinian movement against apartheid. Activist groups may consider
throwing fund-raising events to raise money, and continue raising
awareness for the cause. You can donate online via Paypal (not through
AJ Muste), please see for details.


Boycott Apartheid Israel!

July 17 in the Myer Centre, Brisbane: activists target Israeli cosmetics company Seacret as part of the international boycott, divestment, sanctions campaign against apartheid Israel. Justice for Palestine activists dropped the banner (pictured), surrounded the cosmetics stalls and distributed information about the boycott to potential customers, causing the stall to close down for the day. The action launched an ongoing BDS campaign in Brisbane, with the next action planned for Saturday August 14. See Justice for Palestine, Brisbane for more information. Photo by Owain Lewis-Jones.

سفير فلسطيني يشارك بتجمع صهيوني

استنكرت منظمة جنوب أفريقية واتحادات طلابية فلسطينية مشاركة السفير الفلسطيني بجنوب أفريقيا في محاضرة نظمتها جمعية طلابية معروفة بدفاعها عن الصهيونية في جامعة فَتسْ بجوهانسبرغ، واعتبرتها "أمرا فاضحا".

وعبرت هيئات جنوب أفريقية عن انزعاجها من مشاركة السفير علي أحمد حليمة في التظاهرة الطلابية، واعتبرتها خرقا للمقاطعة الأكاديمية لإسرائيل.

ووفقا للناطقة باسم منظمة جنوب أفريقيا للتضامن مع فلسطين فإن "تلبية حليمة لدعوة اتحاد الطلاب اليهود بجنوب أفريقيا -وهو منظمة صهيونية عرفت بدفاعها عن إسرائيل أثناء الاعتداء على غزة وعلى قافلة الحرية- أمر فاضح".

وأضافت كيك جوزف للجزيرة نت "وجهنا رسالة للسفير قبل الحدث دعوناه فيها لعدم تلبية الدعوة لأن مجرد مشاركته، برأينا، ستستخدم سلاحا ضد الناشطين المناصرين للقضية الفلسطينية هنا".

من جهته قال السفير حليمة إن مشاركته جاءت بوصفه يمثل حكومته "التي ترى الحوار مع جميع الأطراف وسيلة وحيدة للسلام".

وأضاف بتصريح للجزيرة نت "هدفي من المشاركة هو إبراز الحق الفلسطيني وعرضه، فوظيفتي كدبلوماسي هي التعاطي مع كل الفاعلين في جنوب أفريقيا".